Typography Trends: What’s Hot in Fonts This Year

Just like fashion, interior design and other creative fields, typography continually evolves with fresh styles and new takes on classic fonts. Designers constantly push boundaries to develop typefaces that capture the cultural moment and aesthetic zeitgeist.

What font styles are current and on the rise? This essay will explore typography trends making a splash right now and influencing 2023. We will look at collage-inspired fonts, variable fonts, bold and playful serotonin-boosting type, retro fonts, handwritten script styles, font superfamilies, funky display fonts, responsive variable fonts, and typographic illustrations. By tapping into these contemporary font directions, designers can craft projects flavored with of-the-moment style.

Collage Fonts

Collage design involves assembling various images, textures, typography and other elements together into a cohesive whole. Applied to fonts, this translates to typefaces formed from an eclectic mix of sources.

Collage fonts feature diverse letterforms pieced together in inventive arrangements. Characters display contrasting sizes, weights, styles and alignments nested together. You may see retro inspired letters next to modern sans serifs and script fonts combined into one family. The seemingly disjointed patchwork effect has an artistic, DIY appeal.

Used thoughtfully, collage fonts inject visual excitement and energy into branding, advertising, website headers, posters and more. The richness of the layered, textural styles grabs attention. But restraint is needed to prevent these exuberant fonts from feeling chaotic.

Variable Fonts

Variable fonts represent an interactive evolution that enables typography to respond and adapt in real time. With variable fonts, you can fluidly adjust attributes like width, weight, slant, height and even optimize letter spacing.

This allows a single typeface design to morph into countless variations along adjustable sliding scales. For example, a variable font may transition seamlessly from ultra light to extra bold at any weight in between based on user preferences. Variable fonts enable typographic experimentation and personalization.

2022 saw variable fonts become much more mainstream with wider adoption by designers. As users become more comfortable manipulating these responsive fonts, expect to see innovative, dynamic and customizable type layouts.

Bold & Playful Serotonin Fonts

After the stresses of recent years, brighter, lively and uplifting fonts provide a welcome change. Typographers have responded with whimsical, cheerful typefaces packed with personality.

Serotonin font styles often utilize bubbly, round letterforms, ornamental styles inspired by hand-drawn text, and juicy colors for added dopamine boost. You’ll see fonts with friendly, casual vibes as well as those channeling joyful 1980s and 90s nostalgia. Playfuluality takes center stage.

These feel-good fonts celebrate imperfection and humanity. They forgo stiff perfection for loose, organic letters with personalities all their own. Serotonin typefaces remind us not to take ourselves too seriously even while promoting creativity.

Retro & Vintage Font Styles

Nostalgia continues influencing graphic design across visual mediums. For typography, this means renewed interest in retro and vintage typeface styles.

Designers resurrect and refresh classic fonts originally seen in the 1920-1970s. Mid-century modern, art deco, Bauhaus and groovy 1970s influences come through. Expect to see vintage script fonts as well as revitalized serif, art nouveau and slab serif fonts true to their roots.

The combination of familiarity mixed with contemporary flair makes these reimagined retro fonts appealing. They capture nostalgic essence while still feeling original. Both startups seeking a trendy edge and traditional companies aiming to modernize gravitate toward these fonts bridging past and present.

Handwritten Script Fonts

Script fonts instantly add warmth, organic personality and an intimate feel to designs. The handwritten, unstructured letterforms connect with audiences on an emotional level.

Flowing, expressive script styles continue gaining traction across branding, advertising, packaging, stationery and website headers. Digitally created scripts authentically emulate the rhythms and imperfections of human penmanship.

Clever designers use script fonts to soften clinical spaces, convey craftsmanship or evoke heritage. Combined with imagery, script welcomes customers and draws them in. When used minimally, these fonts stand out as captivating focal points.

Font Superfamilies

Typographers continue expanding popular font families into extensive flexible systems spanning all weights and styles. These font “superfamilies” simplify the design process.

For example, you can find every typographic need for a project in one pack like a Sansita font superfamily. It comes with 9 weights from thin to black, matching italics, small caps, condensed and expanded letterforms, and multi-lingual support.

Superfamilies offer cohesive multi-purpose type solutions. You stay within one type system that assures harmony. Mixing and matching variations and styles from within the same font creates unity yet variety. These versatile font suites provide diverse options without complicating layouts.

Funky Display Fonts

For attention-grabbing headers, posters and titles, display fonts dominate. Clean, readable body copy fonts differ dramatically from fonts made for big impact.

Expect to see funky, artful display fonts featuring hand-drawn elements, ornamental motifs, retro flavor and bursts of color. These bold, expressive fonts feel festive and pack visual excitement.

Patterns and textures like splatters, brush strokes, geometric shapes and deco ornamentation get incorporated into display font compositions. So do unusual stylistic flourishes and motifs. Vibrant colors often accentuate the fonts.

When used thoughtfully, playful display fonts create spark and contrast against simple backgrounds. They instantly energize any layout.

Integrating Typography With Illustration

The interplay between fonts and illustrations provides fresh possibilities for logo design, packaging, posters, websites and beyond. Typographic illustrations seamlessly integrate letterforms into the drawing.

You may see fonts that embed into or emerge from illustrations. The contextual relationship between the words and images enhances the meaning. For example, letters spelling “growth” could intertwine with drawings of flowering plants. Or fonts spelling “swift” might resemble birds in motion.

This technique allows designers to custom-pair fonts with relevant illustrations. The synergy between visuals and text reinforces the message in imaginative ways. Expect to see more creative font and illustration integration that breaks branding and advertising out of templates.

Responsive Variable Font Usage

Already mentioned as an overarching trend, variable fonts warrant a deeper look at how their responsiveness and flexibility empower designers. DynamicVariable fonts enable typography to stretch, squeeze, morph and adapt in endless ways.

We will see variable fonts increasingly power responsive design across digital interfaces. Headers can shrink or grow to fit mobile layouts. Font weights adjust based on screen size for ideal legibility. Type embedded in graphics can move fluidly.

Variable fonts also enable audiences to customize type. Imagine changing font widths or styles to your aesthetic preferences on an ecommerce site. This interactivity makes variable fonts engaging and personalized.

Bespoke Typographic Illustration

Savvy designers are also developing completely bespoke illustrated lettering unique to each project. This handcrafted approach replaces off-the-shelf fonts with one-of-a-kind typographic illustrations.

Custom lettering harmonizes with a brand’s personality and strengths the messaging. For example, a cafe promoting community could display their name in letters mimicking a connected string of paper dolls. Fanciful illustrated fonts feel special, not mass produced.

Illustrated fonts require effort to conceive and hand draw. But they signify brands investing in their audience and story. The sense of craft and personalization comes through. Increasingly, brands pursue these typographic illustrations to stand apart.

Exploring New Font Innovation

Typographers continue pushing boundaries through font innovation. Creative applications of new technology expand possibilities.

We see experimentation with 3D, dimensional and kinetic fonts. Typography made from non-traditional materials like sand, stitches or falling rain stretches perceptions. New gesture and motion-based fonts tie physical interactions to dynamic letter changes.

Generative, machine learning fonts automatically generate infinite font variations. Typographers use algorithms and code to build in randomness and surprise. The cutting edge feels limitless.

While novel fonts may occupy niche roles, they spur big picture creativity. Mainstream fonts ultimately incorporate these innovations in tasteful, useful ways.


The typographic trends shaping 2023 encompass both restrained and expressive aesthetics. Designers satisfy minimalist cravings through variable fonts that calibrate to context. At the other end of the spectrum, playful display fonts energize with humanist imperfections and bursts of color.

Nostalgic vintage fonts keep us connected to design history. Bespoke illustrated fonts and collage styles feel like uncharted fresh terrain. Technology enables typography to stretch and respond like never before.

Typography mirrors the diverse tastes and attitudes of our times. Classic styles endure but evolve with contemporary accents and applications. Through admirable restraint or exuberant emotion, fonts influence mood and meaning.

This era of typography celebrates versatility, personality and the handmade. While channels range from digital to tangible, the result is designs infused with the authentic, organic warmth of this moment.

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